Projects. Comprehensing information processing
Part 2. Standard machine for search with context
A standard machine for comprehensive information search based on module of elementary sense does not take into consideration the fact that notions acquire different senses depending on the context to which they belong.
If the range of search is not limited by the required contexts the number of information sources found by the machine increases in the unjustified way.
It is convenient to introduce the following control criterion for the search in the information space: the range of search is limited by using
subject-oriented elementary context
(module of elementary sense in the context). |
Then the search matrix is constructed taking into account not only the analogies inherent to the language but also the elementary contexts pertaining to the user. In that case everything in the unlimited information space that corresponds to the target notions but does not correspond to the context is ignored.
In order to carry out search in the information medium taking the elementary contexts into consideration it is essential to have
- Key contexts, pertaining to the user (specified by the user contexts).
- Principles of relation and of interaction of various contexts.
- A framework for presentation of contexts.
Module of elementary sense in the context is described in detail in the Addendum 2.1. Module of elementary context.
Having constructed a search matrix based on the module of elementary context the user is able to specify not only the required information but also the context in which he is interested in the desired information.
The drawbacks of such an approach to the search are:
- The unlimited number of contexts pertaining to any notion. The user himself may be unaware of the context he needs.
- Indeterminateness and multiformity of interrelations of contexts. For instance, the context A in the context B, involving the context C by means of the context D and so forth...
- The search machine can look only for the information that is actualized in the information space. But the information may be scattered by parts in the information space. Part of the information may be located in one place and part in another. The search machine with the module of elementary context might fail to find such information, as the required information is not present anywhere as a single whole.
A convenient way of circumventing the above listed drawbacks is to use
subject-oriented system of notions and contexts interconnection
(subject-oriented picture of the world for notions and contexts). |
The "subject-oriented picture of the world for notions and contexts" (SPW) implies the picture of the world that is not directed at the subject, but the one that is itself as the subject (is analogous to the subject, is like the subject).
Then it would be enough for a user to specify a notion and by means of the SPW all the remaining contexts and senses that are close to the notion and are connected with it will be furnished to him automatically. So the search of information can be carried out taking into consideration the contexts that are implicit for the user but are not specified by him.
To develop a SPW it is essential to
- Present the notions and contexts inherent for all people (users) in the form of a certain restricted system of relations.
- To be able to upgrade, reconstruct and change the interrelations of notions and contexts in accordance with the development of specific notions of any concrete person (user).
- To evaluate and construct the relations of notions and contexts in accordance with the person's goals.
The structure and the procedures of positioning and modification of the SPW are described in detail in the Addendum 2.2. Subject-oriented picture of the world for notions and contexts.
Using SPW in the machine for information search makes it possible to
1) Present the user's request for information search in form of a point (an area) in the SPW.
2) Automatically take into consideration the elementary contexts connected with the request and involve them in usage.
3) Work with the sense of the request taking into consideration its complex contexts.
4) Coordinate each notion with the structure of the SPW and thus
- find a place for it in the SPW;
- improve the contexts (by eliminating the unnecessary ones) staying in so doing within the scope of the contexts essential to the user.
The general operational algorithm of the machine for search with context is described in the Addendum 2.3. Standard machine for search with context.
Use of contexts operating machine makes it possible, for instance,
- To organize search of a specified notion in any desired context (to determine where the notion is located and what it is related to; to deliver a text fragment or complete text of a document where the required topic is mentioned or where the desired sense is present in the context the user is interested in).
- To scan the information space in search of everything related with the notion of interest in various possible contexts.
- To construct systems for automated translation from one language into another with regard to context sense.
- Realize expert systems where the newly added knowledge does not contradict already existing in the system.
Use of certain principles of work with some forms and fragments of the SPW made it possible to create computer programs operating with information in specific contexts (for instance, it possible for the head manager of a company to predict possible behavior of certain employees in various situations based on the context of their personalities).
Addendum 2.1. Module of elementary context
(module of elementary sense in the context)
In our attempt to define the notion of "context" we used Hegel's works "Phenomenology of Spirit" and "Science of Logic".
Any phenomenon (in the broad sense) can be presented as movement of interaction that starts with something, passes through something and ends with something: FROM--THROUGH--TO.
TO |
Initial state |
State of action (coming-to-be, changing) |
Resulting state |
For instance,
FROM - a man will build a house (here the resource "house" is missing yet);
THROUGH - the man is building a house (the resource "house" is in the making);
TO - the man has built a house (here the resource "house" already exists).
Then lack of context is linear consistent formal logical sense reducible to the abovementioned movement: something existing and acting provides formal logical cause for something other.
And by contrast, presence of context signifies the presence of nonlinear contradictory informal sense if the context is not manifested. As the context reveals itself (the context is taken into consideration) the movement becomes obedient to formal logic laws. Nonlinearity, inconsistency, informality of the sense lies in the fact that a cause generates an informal, unapparent result differing from the expected one, in other words, an "anti-result". Thus the presence of context of some sort indicates that the cause (the essence) is really present in this context but as it [the context] is not manifested and therefore is disregarded, the actual course of events takes an unapparent trend, which furnishes the "anti-result".
The sense in the obvious context (ontological sense) can be conveniently presented in the form of FROM--THROUGH--TO movement whereas the sense in the unrevealed context (gnoseological sense and sense of coming-into-being) can be presented as movement that starts with something, passes through the unknown X-context (X-action) and ends up with an "anti-result", where the "anti-result" contains the resource of the unrevealed context.
a) Movement without context can be represented on the instrumental level as interaction of modules of elementary senses.
b) The tense of the verb used in the sentence uniquely determines the position of this sentence in this primitive temporal chain (data pertaining to the Belarusian language). This makes it possible to use one completed module of elementary sense to restore uniquely the two remaining ones.
c) Structural movement can be considered and presented in a similar way.
When a search machine with elementary context is constructed it is enough to use only obvious contexts.
In order to present a notion taking into consideration the revealed context it is essential:
1. To state the borders of a phenomenon.
2. To state the immanent borders of this phenomenon (FROM--THROUGH--TO).
3. To demonstrate (to present) the internal time phenomena - the revealed internal contexts.
4. To demonstrate (to present) the external time phenomena - the revealed external contexts.
Then module of elementary context takes the following form:
(1) the name of the phenomenon |
(2) the movement of the phenomenon (the borders and the action) |
(3) a set of internal time of the phenomena (revealed contexts) |
... |
n-1.m-1 |
n.m |
n+1.m+1 |
... |
Here the module itself represents one of the external time phenomena (external contexts):
... |
external context of the phenomenon |
the module of elementary sense itself |
external context of the phenomenon |
... |
The principle of context operation implies that in order to present a phenomenon in some context it is necessary
1. To take a module of elementary sense of the phenomenon.
2. To develop a module of elementary context of this phenomenon.
3. To choose the context the user is interested in (which, by the way, is also presented in the form of a module of elementary sense) in the module of elementary context.
4. To superpose the chosen context on the module of elementary sense of the phenomenon and to refine (to edit) the initial phenomenon within the framework of the desired context following the procedures described in Part 1. In other words, meshing of the initial phenomenon and the context one take place.
Addendum 2.2. Subject-oriented picture of the world for notions and contexts
1. The upper module of picture of the world for contexts - "formation of a human being".
2. The structure of the SPW and the procedures of its positioning and modification.
3. Context of formation. Peculiarities of approach to the resolution of contradictions that appear when the sense is set in the SPW.
It is convenient to develop a subject-oriented picture of the world for notions and contexts (SPW) based on the following principles:
- To set some extremely broad context (phenomenon) to which everything pertains in one way or another and by means of which any phenomena could somehow be connected to each other.
- The pattern of relations between phenomena (contexts) develops in accordance with the process (genesis) of forming the system of contexts and relations of a human being.
- Teleology of relations: determining the direction of deployment, finding the criterion that would allow telling the deployment of a structure from its disappearance.
Let us choose "formation of a human being" as an extremely broad context. The period of formation of the system of relations and contexts in a human being could be taken as the initial point of genesis. The absence of the context of "degradation of a human being" would be the criterion of formation. Hence is the absence of the "anti-result" in the formation of a human being (to be more precise, hence is skipping the passage through the resources of degradation).
1. The upper module of picture of the world for contexts - "formation of a human being".
The upper context module that includes the whole framework of the subject-oriented picture of the world (SPW) and is the starting point evolvent of the whole SPW (which comprises the whole picture of the world) comprises the following parts:
1) The name of the module (title): formation of a human being;
2) The immanent borders of the module (the finite).
TO |
a human being |
a human being accomplishes formation |
a spiritual human being |
Here Hegel's meaning "Spirit" and "spiritual" is implied.
In the form of a module of elementary sense (complete presentation):
a human being
accomplishes formation |
| |
formation of an infant
formation of a child
formation of a teenager
formation of a parent
formation of a family man
formation of a "mentor"
formation of a "creator"
formation of a "founder"
formation of a "teleologist" |
As "formation of a human being" is the upper module of the SPW, the axis of the supersystem and that of external time for its THROUGH are missing and the axis of internal time and that of the subsystem minimize and become one as it is presented under next item 3.
3) The set of internal time phenomena constituting the "formation of a human being" when organized in a temporal sequence takes the following form:
1. formation of an infant |
2. formation of a child |
3. formation of a teenager |
4. formation of a parent |
5. formation of a family man |
6. formation of a "mentor" |
7. formation of a "creator" |
8. formation of a "founder" |
9. formation of a "teleologist" |
Here "formation of a human being" is presented as the sequence of 9 phenomena corresponding to the basic functional ages of a human being (qualitative stages). At that, the phenomena in the module are positioned diagonally. This makes it possible to introduce relations between phenomena. For instance, there is something in the phenomenon "formation of a child" of the phenomenon "formation of an infant", but already in the modified form with regard to the fact that "formation of a child" has new properties. For instance, a child can already hold a spoon but he still likes to pass bubbles with his mouth. And so on, the farther it is from the "infant" stage, the less there is of an infant left in a human being.
infant |
2.1 |
3.1 |
4.1 |
5.1 |
6.1 |
7.1 |
8.1 |
9.1 |
1.2 |
child |
3.2 |
4.2 |
5.2 |
6.2 |
7.2 |
8.2 |
9.2 |
1.3 |
2.3 |
teenager |
4.3 |
5.3 |
6.3 |
7.3 |
8.3 |
9.3 |
1.4 |
2.4 |
3.4 |
parent |
5.4 |
6.4 |
7.4 |
8.4 |
9.4 |
1.5 |
2.5 |
3.5 |
4.5 |
family man |
6.5 |
7.5 |
8.5 |
9.5 |
1.6 |
2.6 |
3.6 |
4.6 |
5.6 |
"mentor" |
7.6 |
8.6 |
9.6 |
1.7 |
2.7 |
3.7 |
4.7 |
5.7 |
6.7 |
"creator" |
8.7 |
9.7 |
1.8 |
2.8 |
3.8 |
4.8 |
5.8 |
6.8 |
7.8 |
"founder" |
9.8 |
1.9 |
2.9 |
3.9 |
4.9 |
5.9 |
6.9 |
7.9 |
8.9 |
"teleologist" |
Thus the actual course of "formation of a human being" can be traced diagonally.
At that the vertical row 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9 is the row of phenomena pertaining to "formation of an infant", modified in accordance with specific age of a human being. In other words a phenomenon once having come into being later does not disappear but only modifies (the process of formation of a phenomenon) into its other entity. Thus become apparent the relations of the "formation of an infant" with all the other basic phenomena of formation of a human being. The same applies to the others.
On the other hand, the horizontal row 1.1, 2.1, 3.1, 4.1, 5.1, 6.1, 7.1, 8.1, 9.1 demonstrates the relations showing the prerequisites that secure the future of the phenomenon. For instance, an infant has the prerequisites for becoming a child and later a teenager and so forth. For a teenager his reproductive system becomes topical because at this stage of life hormones become more active and the whole body undergoes transformation adapting it for reproduction. However, the reproductive system exists in an infant too, but it is not topical for him yet, his instinct and reflexes are of much more importance for him.
Certain fragments of the actual course of formation interact directly with one another. For instance, the phase "formation of a parent" interacts (resounds) directly with the phase "formation of an infant" (4.4 1.1). this can be illustrated by means of a table:
1.1 formation of an
infant |
4.4 formation of a
parent |
7.7 formation of a
"creator" |
2.2 formation of a
child |
5.5 formation of a
family man |
8.8 formation of a
"founder" |
3.3 formation of a
teenager |
6.6 formation of a
"mentor" |
9.9 formation of a
"teleologist" |
Or as follows

In other words, it is convenient to regard the relations analogously to the peptide bonds of the DNA.
2. The structure of the SPW and the procedures of its positioning and modification.
The upper module and the procedure of its evolvent set an ideal basic SPW. The peculiarity of this basic SPW lies in the fact that it is constructed in the following way:
1. Given is the upper module of the SPW "formation of a human being" with its specific internal time evolvent (the phenomena, it comprises).
2. We choose one of the phenomena. For instance, "formation of an infant".
3. The chosen phenomenon itself is presented in the form of the module of elementary sense (see Part 1).
4. In this module of elementary sense we choose only one internal time axis corresponding to the subject-oriented functionally chronological movement (progress) of the phenomena pertaining to the subject.
5. The phenomena positioned on the chosen internal time axis are regarded as phenomena of the module of elementary context.
6. The module of elementary context of the phenomenon is formed.
7. Further on all the phenomena included into the newly formed module of elementary context are evolved in a similar way.
8. We pursue the same algorithm until further functional differentiation of the chronological phenomenon becomes impossible. For instance, to a first approximation a "6-day old infant" does not functionally differ from a "9-day old infant".
This is sufficient for the basic construction (initial frame) of a SPW.
Here subject-oriented functionally chronological movement of the phenomena pertaining to the subject is chosen as the principle of evolvent of the basic SPW, which makes it possible to position any incoming information within the incomplete yet SPW based on this point of view. However, in the process of completing the SPW positioning is carried out also based on the structure of the contexts of the knowledge already present in the SPW.
As it has been already mentioned, the modules of elementary contexts can be presented in the following way:
The X - axis is the axis of the appearing phenomena.
The Y - axis is the axis of modification of the phenomena with time.
Each column is a newly appearing phenomenon and its movement downward is its modification in the course of time. Hence to position any phenomenon in the SPW it is necessary to determine the two coordinates: a) what period of the human's existence the given this phenomenon pertains to (the vertical axis), b) when this phenomenon initially appeared (the horizontal axis). The intersection of these coordinates indicates the position of the phenomenon in the SPW. |
Let us analyze an example illustrating how a SPW is completed and modified with the positioning of new phenomena in it. Let us determine, for instance, where the phenomenon "giving a child a bath" is positioned in the picture of the world. Given is the following fragment of the SPW:
formation of an infant     |
formation of a child |
formation of a teenager |
formation of a parent |
formation of a family man |
formation of a "mentor" |
formation of a "creator" |
formation of a "founder" |
formation of a "teleologist" |
formation of a germ |
formation of an embryo |
formation of a fetus |
formation of a newborn |
formation of an infant 1-6 |
formation of an infant 6-9 |
formation of a baby 1-1.5 |
formation of a baby 1.5-2 |
formation of a baby 2-3 |
a) We determine what period of the human's existence the given phenomenon pertains to (the vertical axis). The phenomenon "giving a child a bath" pertains to the phenomenon "formation of a child".
b) When this phenomenon initially appeared (the horizontal axis). They start giving a child a bath from the age of one week; therefore this phenomenon pertains to the phenomenon "formation of a infant of 1-6 days". As a result we obtain the position for the phenomenon "giving a child a bath" in the SPW:

Now, if we present the phenomenon "giving a child a bath" in the form of a module of elementary sense, it can be noticed that there exists such a phenomenon as "child care" in the supersystem and that it is not in any way reflected in the SPW so far. Here "child care" appears as generic category for the whole class of phenomena. This is how this category (in the form of a phenomenon) is built into the SPW and modifies it.
The unmodified state of the SPW:

As "child care" is a supersystem for the phenomenon "giving a child a bath", it can be reflected in the SPW by means of positioning the phenomenon "child care" in the place of the phenomenon "giving a child a bath" in the module "formation of an infant". Then the final state of the SPW becomes as follows:

As one of the fragments of the SPW is modified, the corresponding resonant fragment is modified automatically too. For instance, as soon as there appears "child care" in the phenomenon "formation of a infant", it automatically leads to the appearance of the same phenomenon in the "formation of a parent".
Features of the SPW.
1) Constructing the SPW using modules of elementary contexts and procedures makes it possible to include any phenomena into the SPW in the context of their relation to the formation of a human being. For instance, the phenomenon "nuclear physics" as a local picture of the world may take its place in the SPW in the context "a person studies physics" or in the context "a person's work". There appears a gap in the SPW a separate picture of the world in the picture of the world. Another example. Suppose, a certain person (complex system) is present in the SPW occupying his proper place in the context. It means that this person's proper picture of the world is present in this place in the SPW.
2) One and the same phenomenon (structural sense) may belong to various areas of the SPW.
3) The phenomena of the actual course of events for any module of elementary context not always form a temporal sequence (module's diagonal) but may coexist parallel and simultaneously.
4) The SPW regards generic categories as at hand phenomena taking a particular specific phenomenon belonging to this category. The universality of categories is used here as it is shown in the Part 1: a category is simultaneously included into both the supersystem and the subsystem of the phenomenon (module of elementary sense) and can modify them both.
However, the principle of construction of the SPW - the teleology of relation - requires the category "formation" defining and distinguishing such notions as "good-bad" and "development-degradation" should be introduced on the instrumental level.
3. Context of formation. Peculiarities of approach to the resolution of contradictions that appear when the sense is set in the SPW.
As it has been already mentioned above, each phenomenon possesses two types of contexts: revealed (open) ones and unrevealed (closed) ones. A revealed context is reflected by movement obeying the laws of formal logic. An unrevealed context is reflected by contradictory, illogical movement. However, what both these contexts have in common is the fact that they reflect only the ontological aspect of a phenomenon i.e. the situation when these contexts already exist, (no matter, whether in revealed or unrevealed state).
However, the context of formation must also be taken into consideration.
Let us use the notion of system or the finite in the sense Hegel used it [Hegel, The Science of Logic, Book 1, Studies of Being, Section 1. Definiteness (quality), Chapter 2. Existence, B. Finiteness, b. Definition, character and border]: "Something with its immanent border put as a contradiction of itself by virtue of which it is derived and evolved beyond the scope of itself is the finite" ("Etwas mit seiner immanenten Grenze gesetzt als der Widerspruch seiner selbst, durch den es über sich hinausgewiesen und getrieben wird, ist das Endliche").
Besides, let us distinguish two processes of conversion into something else:
1) The process of "bad infinity", "negative infinity", unfavorable degrading process. Here the movement negates (destroys) the finite itself.
2) The process of "positive infinity", the process of formation, the process of retention (as opposed to loss) of resources of the finite state. A simple enough example of such is Fibonacci sequence where each member of the sequence is equal to the sum of the two preceding ones and the ratio of the two neighboring ones gives the value oft-recurring in animate nature.
Then the essence of the context of formation is in the fact that this context appears in the process of formation of the system (movement itself generates the context of a system or a phenomenon in movement). Existence-in-movement of the system is based on consumption of the immanent resource of this existence-in-movement. Consumption and exhaustion of the immanent system resource leads to a new situation for the initial system the situation of diminished resource. As a result the initial system degrades. However, if the results, according to Hegel, "are fixed in their verity", then decrease of the resource and degradation of the initial system can be regarded as a new situation new resources are created for something else and the system becomes positively new. Formation of a new system occurs (positive conversion into another entity).
Let us consider a very simple example - given is a vessel containing black and white balls as an initial system. The system is ordered: half of the vessel is filled with black balls and the other half is filled with white ones (here order is the framework factor of the system). The vessel was shaked and all the balls mixed up: the system exhausted its resource of order and degraded. But relative to an individual white ball that formerly could interact only with other white balls there appeared a coordinate frame. Now this white ball interacts both with black and white balls during which interaction there are more black balls on the one side than on the other. There have appeared new notions formerly non-existent, such as "direction", "side" and "order" relative to an individual white ball. Thus in the process of degradation of the system there appeared new resources and a new system but simultaneously modification of the initial system occurred. In this case it depends upon
teleological context whether it is formation or degradation.
It is convenient to present modification of the system as a sequence of the following phases:
- Phase of development (movement) of the system.
- Phase of appearance of a new resource (context) caused by initial development.
- Phase of logical development already of a new system with regard to a new resource (new context) - conversion of the system into a new entity.
The difference between positive (formation) and negative (degradation) perpetuity of movement is determined by teleology of formation of a human being.
As "formation of a human being" is evolved in the SPW, it is essential to indicate based on the teleology of a human being, what kind of formation is responsible for conversion of a phenomenon into another entity. Hence a new vector should be added to the module of elementary context - a standing context of formation.

Phase of movement of the phenomenon. |
Phase of "degradation" of the phenomenon (the anti-result) or the phase of accumulation of the formation resource. |
Phase of logical development (movement) of a "new" system (new phenomenon) with regard to the context of formation (phase of "degradation" or "formation"). |
This context obtains a certain specific form depending on the phenomenon it pertains to and connects the phenomena with each other by means of formation mechanism among other things.
For instance, for the "formation of a human being" the context of formation takes the following form.
Reference form for the mechanism of formation.
TO |
a human being in the course of movement |
a human being having finished movement |
| |
TO` |
a human being in the movement of new factors
effect of new factors on a human being
a human being under the influence of the new acting factors |
| |
FROM`` |
TO`` |
a human being fixing the results in their verity
formation of a human being under influence of new factors |
Reference form for the mechanism of formation (liquidation of resources).
TO |
a human being in the course of movement |
a human being having finished movement |
| |
TO` |
a human being in
the movement of
new factors
effect of new factors on a
human being
a human being
under the
influence of the
new acting
factors |
| |
FROM`` |
TO`` |
a human being
not having fixed the results in their verity |
degradation of a human being under influence of new factors |
These reference forms are essential (among other things) for the evaluation of a phenomenon from the point of view of formation of a human being.
The procedure of the context of formation.
The procedure of the context of formation is used when new information conflicts with the information already present in the SPW: different information is positioned in one and the same place. This situation should be regarded as the moment of formation and pursue the following course of actions.
Step 1. The new information is considered contradictory to ("anti-TO") the information already existing in the SPW in the module of elementary context [FROM--THROUGH--TO].
1) For instance there is a module of elementary context in the SPW:
New information has arrived and is presented in the module of elementary context:
anti-TO |
-- |
-- |
2) Then there exists, besides the initial module of elementary context [FROM--THROUGH--TO], yet another new module [FROM--"some X-resource"--"anti-TO"].
anti-THROUGH |
anti-TO |
-- |
-- |
3) We determine the phenomenon that formally and logically leads to the "anti-result" - to the "anti-TO", in other words we reveal this unknown "X-resource".
"some X-resource" = anti-THROUGH
anti-THROUGH |
anti-TO |
-- |
giving an infant a bath in cold water |
-- |
4) We determine the anti-thesis for the "anti-THROUGH".
The "anti-thesis for anti-THROUGH" = THROUGH`
In an elementary case in order to determine the anti-thesis it is necessary to address the resources of the module of elementary sense of the word that is the antonym to the word "anti-THROUGH". Here the resources of the SPW, those of the information medium and those of the user can be used.
anti-THROUGH |
giving an infant a bath in cold water |
giving an infant a bath in warm water |
5) We introduce THROUGH` (as a new revealed context) into the module of elementary context already existing in the SPW to which the new incoming information was contradictory to: [FROM--THROUGH`--TO].
TO |
-- |
giving an infant a bath in warm water |
-- |
Step 2. The same course of actions is pursued (items 1-5) based on the point of view of the incoming new information. In other words, the information existing in the SPW in the module of elementary context is regarded as information contradictory to ("anti-TO") the incoming new information.
Step 3. Based on the reference form for the mechanism of formation we make our choice:
a) Whether to modify (edit) the initial module of elementary context.
b) Or to modify the newly input module of elementary context and substitute it for the module existing in the SPW.
c) Or to modify both the initial and the new modules of elementary context and to position each in the appropriate locus of the SPW.
For instance, after the resolution procedure for the contradiction of giving an infant a bath is accomplished there appears a new phenomenon "warm water for giving an infant a bath" and a supersystem context "physical conditioning of a child".
Thus any information finding its way into the SPW is tested and evaluated following the procedure of the context of formation.
Addendum 2.3. Standard machine for search with context
The general algorithm.
1) A user's request for information search (in the general case it is a text) is transformed into a module of elementary context with its subsystems. Given is a local picture of the world for the request. The local picture of the world pertaining to the request is positioned in the SPW with regard to the contexts.
2) As a result the area of the request is formed in the SPW.
3) As a test the SPW offers the user its interpretation of his request. If necessary the user refines his request thus correcting the area of the request in the SPW.
4) The search machine forms a search matrix based on the area of the request and uses the matrix for information search in the information space.
5) As a result of the search there appears some information (text) that is the transformed into a module of elementary context (this module is the upper context) with its subsystems. Now we have an overall picture of the world pertaining to the found information.
6) Positioning of the local picture of the world pertaining to the found information in the SPW.
7) Positioning of the found information in the SPW may result in:
- automatic correction of the area of the request in the SPW;
- addressing the user for further specification of the information to be found or organizing the process of asymptotic approximation of the significance of the found information to the needs of the user;
- furnishing the found information to the user.
The local picture of the world for the request is presentation of the text of the request in the form of a module of elementary context with the framework of its subsystem evolvents.
Next: Part 3. Search machine with time variant context 